Hengist and Horsa - Frisian horses from overseas that founded the Kentish Kingdom
The Chronicles of Warnia. When history seems a fantasy story
Guerrilla in the Polder. The Battle of Vroonen in 1297
The bishop from Frisia who proceeded The Hunger Games
Stavoren. A balancer on a slack rope of religion, trade, land, water, Holland and Frisia
The Deer Hunter of Fallward, and his Throne of the Marsh
A Dutch king once yelled: “Je suis Frison, et je suis plus têtu que vous!”
Barbarians riding to the Capital to claim rights on farmland
Who's Afraid of Voracious Woolf? - the Beast is Back
A Frisian warlord who ruled in Brittany, until his wife cheated on him
Don’t believe everything they say about sweet Cunera
Like Father, Unlike Son
With a Noose through the Norsemen’s Door
Frisia, a Viking graveyard
Is Magna Frisia fact or fiction?
Follow the footsteps of Five Frisian Kings
King Redbad’s last act
Finally, King Redbad made his point in the European Commission - via Facebook
Why was Redbad skinny dipping in eau de Cologne?
The battles of Redbad, unplugged