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Hans Faber
May 11, 202422 min read
Hengist and Horsa – Frisian horses from overseas that founded the Kentish Kingdom
It is at the inn The Prancing Pony in the village of Bree that the Hobbits hope to be safe from the screeching Nazgûl on their coal-black...

Hans Faber
Feb 18, 202412 min read
The Chronicles of Warnia. When history seems a fantasy story
The fate of tribes and tribe names during the age of the Wandering of Peoples, between the fourth and the sixth centuries, was uncertain....

Hans Faber
Feb 4, 202424 min read
Guerrilla in the Polder. The Battle of Vroonen in 1297
School instruction plate depicting Count Floris V of Holland when taken prison during falconry in 1296, the year he was murdered, painted...

Hans Faber
Jan 13, 20247 min read
The bishop from Frisia who proceeded The Hunger Games
Katniss Everdeen, a character portrayed by the American actress Jennifer Lawrence, is survivor and victor of The Hunger Games. She comes...

Hans Faber
Jan 7, 202439 min read
Stavoren. A balancer on a slack rope of religion, trade, land, water, Holland and Frisia
For many turbulent centuries, the town of Stavoren was a tightrope walker before it finally settled as a small harbour at the Lake...

Hans Faber
Dec 3, 202313 min read
The Deer Hunter of Fallward, and his Throne of the Marsh
Close to a terp named Fallward near the village of Wremen in the region of Land Wursten, archaeologists discovered a unique site...

Hans Faber
Aug 23, 20238 min read
A Dutch king once yelled: “Je suis Frison, et je suis plus têtu que vous!”
In our recent blog post Barbarians riding to the capital to claim rights on farmland , we told the famous story of the two Frisian kings...

Hans Faber
Aug 16, 202317 min read
Barbarians riding to the Capital to claim rights on farmland
This is not a blog post about the current agriculture and nitrogen debates between the government in Brussels and farmers in Flanders,...

Hans Faber
Nov 25, 202228 min read
Who's Afraid of Voracious Woolf? - the Dread Beast is Back
Who's afraid of Jóða Fenris , ‘the offspring of Fenrir’? Afraid of hund hrynsævar hræva , ‘the hound of the roaring sea corpses’? Who,...

Hans Faber
Nov 12, 202213 min read
A Frisian warlord who ruled in Brittany, until his wife cheated on him
featured image: Vendel helmet, Uppland, Sweden, ca AD 600 Where the English Channel and the Celtic Sea meet, is where the ships of the...

Hans Faber
Sep 30, 202229 min read
Don’t believe everything they say about sweet Cunera
Imagine. One day your husband brings home a young unmarried woman. A virgin even. He simply takes her into your house, openly shows...

Hans Faber
Sep 10, 202113 min read
Like Father, Unlike Son – Un saint frison en France
The Battle of Tours in 732 was a turning point in the wars against the Umayyad Caliphate. The Caliphate was one of the biggest empires in...

Hans Faber
Mar 21, 202113 min read
With a Noose through the Norsemen’s Door
Although the conversion of the Woden-devoted Frisians was a slow and cumbersome process that only succeeded in depth in the tenth...

Hans Faber
Feb 21, 20219 min read
Frisia, a Viking graveyard
When reading about the famous deeds of great Viking warriors, not much attention is given to the moments of failure. Not much is written...

Frans Riemersma
Sep 1, 20186 min read
Is Magna Frisia fact or fiction?
Here are some maps that help you locate the Frisians in the early Middle Ages (500-800 AD). We combined old maps, archaeological finds,...

Frans Riemersma
Aug 19, 20189 min read
Follow the footsteps of Five Frisian Kings
We plotted the exact locations of the whereabouts of the five Frisian kings Finn, Audulfus, Aldgils, Redbad and Poppo. We might have even...

Frans Riemersma
Jun 16, 20184 min read
King Redbad’s last act
Not much is known about Redbad’s death. Many Frankish fragments use his year of death as a historical point of reference for many events....

Frans Riemersma
Jun 9, 20186 min read
Finally, King Redbad made his point in the European Commission - via Facebook
“I can not live without the company of my forefathers”, Redbad said in an interview in 718. In 2018 this sentence caused turmoil in the...

Frans Riemersma
Jan 6, 20186 min read
Why was Redbad skinny dipping in eau de Cologne?
In March 714, Redbad's army reached the shores of Cologne. That is deep in the Frankish heartlands and way out of the traditional Frisian...

Frans Riemersma
Jan 3, 20187 min read
The battles of Redbad, unplugged
King Redbad died in 719. Some 1300 years later, as a tribute a movie about this Frisian king will hit the silver screen in the Dutch...
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